Scholarship Application Information

Miss Branscombe knew our responsibility to talented women in music is more than simply unlocking the doors to education, but also providing the means in which to enter the room. This year, The Gena Branscombe Project will offer three $400 merit-based scholarships to students who are pursuing a career in conducting, composition, or arts administration.

We are looking for applicants who have yet to finish their post-secondary education, or young professionals in the early stages of their careers.

The 2025 scholarship applications will close at midnight on May 9, 2025.

Gena leading the Branscombe Chorale in NYC Town Hall

Gena leading the Branscombe Choral in NYC Town Hall.

The first five composers invited to join the National League of American Pen Women 1924. Phyllis Fergus, Ethel Glenn Hier, Amy Beach, Harriet Ware and Gena Branscombe 

April 1924 biennial convention of the National League of American Pen Women in Washington D.C. Pictured are composers Phyllis Fergus, Ethel Glenn Hier, Amy Beach, Harriet Ware, and Gena Branscombe.